Nina Daniele: Wiki, Bio, Career, Boyfriend, Family and Details.

Nina Daniele: Wiki, Bio, Career, Boyfriend, Family and Details: Nina Daniele is a model and was also declared as the Playboy’s Playmate of the Year 2018. Moreover, she was a writer before entering into modelling

Life and education

 Nina Daniel was born on 27 December 1988 in New York city USA. She is educated and has a degree in creative writing and a concentration in poetry. Though she was a good writer, schedule did not do well in the exam and she stated that the exam made her fall asleep.

Nina Modelling

Career of Nina Daniele

After her graduation she thought of joining the Army but her boyfriend suggested to try modelling instead. And now she is thankful to him for making her choose modelling as a career.

Also, she auditioned for Sports illustrated Swimsuit Edition in 2017. And then she became Playboy’s Playmate of the Year 2017. Moreover, She represented top Agencies like One Management and Elite Model Management. Also she appeared in different magazines such as Michael Kors Middle East Edit collection, Fredericks of Hollywood bridal collection 2019, LA model 2019.

Personal life of Nina Daniele

Nina is not at all single and she is dating her boyfriend Jhanelle Castillo. They celebrated their seven years anniversary in June 2017. Also she is a fan of UEFA Championship. She is an animal lover and she wanted to open a sanctuary in the future.

Here is the Full bio of Nina Daniele family, mother, father, brother, sister, name, age, height in feet, wide, body measurement, boyfriend, interest, high school, college ,nationality, eye colour, hair colour, High School pictures pics 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, number, email id, University, spouse, Twitter, Facebook Instagram,income network, birthday, zodiac, sign ,education, religion, date of birth.

Bio , Height, Weight, and Details of  Nina Danielle
Nina Daniele

Real nameNina Marie Daniele
Gender Female 
Age 32
Date of birth27 Dec 1988
Birthplace Missouri, USA
Nationality American 
Profession Model 
Height 5’9 inches
Weight 47 kgs
Hair colorBrown 
Eye colorBrown 
Ethnicity American 
Zodiac signCapricorn 
Marital statusIn a relationship 
Alma materN/A
Parents N/A
Net worth$1 million

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