Neil Diamond Fights Parkinsons Supported by Beloved He Considered Up to the Task of Being H

Neil Diamond and Katie McNeil | Neil Diamond | Sources: Getty Images | Instagram/jdstudio

  • Iconic singer Neil Diamond has been battling Parkinson's for five years since he first got diagnosed with the ailment.
  • His loving wife, who is 29 years younger than him, has remained by his side throughout his ongoing health battle.
  • Diamond fell in love with his manager and married her when he was 71.

Legendary American singer-songwriter Neil Diamond, 82, famously known for "Sweet Caroline," was diagnosed with Parkinson's five years ago. In a candid interview that took place three months ago, the musician revealed that he has only just accepted and come to terms with his condition.

During an interview discussion one Sunday morning in April, Diamond stated that he had been in denial about the diagnosis for the first year or two of living with Parkinson's. He described his disposition when his doctor informed him of his condition as unwilling to accept what he had just heard.

Neil Diamond posing for a portrait in California, 1980 | Source: Getty Images

Diamond's immediate response to being told he had Parkinson's was to move on and say he had work to do after telling his doctor he would visit him for follow-ups whenever necessary. He continued to live as though everything was normal until he learned to accept the situation for what it truly was. While speaking on his eventual acceptance, Diamond disclosed:

"...somehow, a calm has moved in, and the hurricane of my life and things have gotten very quiet. And I like it. I find that I like myself better... I'm easier on myself , and the beat goes on. and it will go on long after I'm gone."

However, in another part of the interview segment, Diamond admitted that though he has accepted his condition, he still finds the concept difficult to deal with at times. The "Cracklin' Rosie" singer found out about his diagnosis while on his 50th-anniversary tour in 2018. Before retiring from touring, he completed shows across Europe and the U.S.

In addition to discussing his ailment, the interview also touched on the Broadway musical based on the star's career and life, called "A Beautiful Noise." After revealing the range of emotions he felt when viewing the show, Diamond mentioned the following concerning how his condition affects his musical abilities:

"I can still sing. I've been doing it for 50 years, and I enjoy it. It's like all the systems of my mind and my body are working as one."

Neil Diamond at the 24th Annual Keep Memory Alive Power Of Love Gala in Las Vegas, 2020 | Source: Getty Images

Neil Diamond Fell in Love & Got Married Again At 71

The resilient musician married for the third time in 2012 when he wed his manager, Katie McNeil, at 71. The pair hosted an intimate wedding with family and close friends on a Saturday in Los Angeles after he announced his engagement in September 2011. Despite their 29-year age gap, the artist professed that he was lovestruck and claimed:

"I've finally found someone who's up to the task of being my wife because I'm very...high maintenance."

Neil Diamond and Katie McNeil at the 2012 Billboard Touring Awards in New York City, 2012 | Source: Getty Images

When asked to clarify what he meant by being high maintenance, Diamond explained that he expects his wife to stop whatever she may be doing the second he needs some form of companionship. He confirmed that he was willing to do the same for his spouse and admitted that the ordeal would not be easy.

Of his previous two marriages, Diamond expressed some regret about how things ended with both women. He called both ladies amazing and revealed how he had abundant opportunities to get his marriage attempts right.

As Diamond continues to push past dealing with Parkinson's, his loving wife, McNeil, supports, cares, and looks after him.

Katie McNeil and Neil Diamond at the opening night of the Broadway musical based on his life "A Beautiful Noise" in New York City, 2022 | Source: Getty Images

Neil Diamond Is in His Fifth Year of Dealing with Parkinson's

Despite being in his fifth year of dealing with his condition, Diamond remains the fierce and formidable creative talent he has always been. The "Song Sung Blue" crooner still carries a notepad or piece of paper to jot down his ideas whenever he imagines something new, which he then forms into fully-fledged concepts when he has more time.

Additionally, far from being held back from singing by the disease, Diamond believes he has been singing better than ever. He credits this to no longer being on tour, where his voice would not have enough rest time between back-to-back shows.

In addition to dealing with people and himself better ever since accepting Parkinson's as an inevitable part of his life, Diamond also added that he feels more youthful. The iconic musician divulged:

"I definitely don't feel like I'm 71. I feel like I did when I was between 30 and 40. The body ages. The mind doesn't."

As Diamond continues to push past dealing with Parkinson's, his loving wife, McNeil, supports, cares, and looks after him.
